Friday, 1 January 2016

Joy, Hope and Stirring

Ok, so I haven’t been blogging much in 2015.

Truth is - I haven’t had much to say and very little time to say it!

2015 has been a strange mix of everything; blessings, sadness, busyness…. and even with moments of joy, I’ve felt as though some things in the last year have just sucked the life, joy and confidence out of my soul and replaced them with fear.

I’m hoping that 2016 will see that life, joy and confidence restored - I have much to look forward to!

As I’ve been scanning down the New Year’s comments on social media, I’ve been noticing the huge spectrum of the greetings. Some saying that God has promised a healthy and prosperous 2016 to us (Utter tosh by the way!) and others at the other end of the spectrum, helpfully saying they pray God will walk with us through the coming year.

However, the ones that have stood out have been ones about hope. These have been from people who have had a devastating 2015, who are looking forward to the coming year with hope. Not that banal “I hope everything works out” sort of hope, but a solid hope that has it’s foundations in the grace of God. True grit hope!

As the year has come to an end, and the date of our stepping down from leading Children worldwide gets closer, many of my friends have said one key thing to me. None of these friends know each other, but they are saying the same thing…. and I’m finding the word they are using slightly disturbing!!


When I was young, being called a stirrer was an admonition. You were told off for doing it. As a shy introvert who doesn’t like confrontation, stirring was something I didn’t do.

But my praying friends seem to think this is what I am being called to do in the coming season of my life, and it’s scary.

As I look back over the last year, I suppose I have made a small start in this “gift of stirring” (as one friend called it!) but I’m not comfortable doing it. Maybe that’s a good thing - it means I not only care about the things I’m stirring stuff up about, but I also care about the feelings of the people I’m stirring up.

So my prayers for 2016, for myself, are:
Restoration - of life and joy
A Firm foundation - of Hope
Wisdom and love - to stir well
(And the ability to rest well within the whirlwind of life!)

For my friends and family I pray for that firm foundation of hope to be present every day, and for a deep God given joy that survives all that life throws at you. May you also ‘stir’ well and with wisdom, in whatever thing God has laid on your heart.
….. May the stirring begin!

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