But I'm told it's a helpful thing to do..... so here it goes!
The Everyday Me:
A shy introvert who loves knitting, crochet, doodling and writing.Gadget geek who appreciates real coffee (milk & one sugar please!) Dislike tea most of the time.
Definitely hate ironing.....
Married to the gorgeous Steve since 1996
Just happen to be disabled - but it doesn't stop me (often use a four wheeled beast called 'Pippin' to get around, but not all the time)
Being an introvert, I hate speaking up about stuff (and always feel guilty when I do!) but God seems to be making me do it more and more - proof He has a sense of humour!
The Working Me:
Been in full time ministry for around 22 years (I lose track of time when I'm enjoying myself)Children's Evangelist/Children's worker, working alongside the lovely Steve.
Chair of the 'Children Matter!' Exec team.
Previously, National Director of Children Worldwide - alongside my lovely hubby Steve. (Stepped down January 2016)
Trainer and consultant in anything to do with children's work.
Passionate about safeguarding, inclusion and storytelling.
Disability Issues Campaigner, advisor & Consultant - especially in a church/faith setting (I was doing this BEFORE my disability became apparent - it's not because of my disability. I fight for others - not myself)
Disability and Additional Needs Advisor to Spring Harvest.
I Am Also:
- A Director of Family Foundations Trust (The Charity that 'Undergirds' Children Worldwide) But stepping down in March to allow me the time to concentrate on other things.
- One of the founders of the 'Additional Needs Alliance'
- An occasional writer for the Children's Work Magazine
- Serving on the Evangelical Alliance Council
- On the Council of Reference for 'Home for Good'
- Part of 'Churches For All'
- An occasional blogger - mainly when I feel strongly about something!
- And many other things that may appear occasionally.
- And.... I'm writing a book! (Details later)
I Accountable To:
The Trustees of Family Foundations Trust (Children Worldwide)
My Council of Reference: (The link between FFT and my Church) Chris Leeson (Chair) Sharon Leeson, Kathryn Parker, Ruth Dunning, Ray Lovejoy and Marion Lovejoy
The Leadership of my 'sending' church (Knighton Free Church)